Make up your mind

only humans have the capacity to make decisions based on emotion, reason, or a combination of both.

Make up your mind

only humans have the capacity to make decisions based on emotion, reason, or a combination of both.

my inspiration

We humans have more than 60,000 thoughts and make many decisions every day. We use our intellect. Yet, evolution has wired us in a way that often allows our emotions to override our intellect. I’m inspired by the idea that we, as the only species, are capable of recognizing and reflecting upon this. My artwork serves as an anchor in our daily lives to make us conscious of this wonderful gift and encouraging us to use this incredible ability more.

„Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.“

Viktor E. Frankl

Viktor E. Frankl was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, as well as a Holocaust survivor and founder of logotherapy. The sentence is part of his teaching that there is a choice in every situation and that the way we react to a situation influences our growth and personal development.

like a rose window

The random color combinations and fluid shapes of my paintings create new space in your daily life. They are like a rose window. Like rays of sunshine, our thoughts shine through and help us recognize our consciousness. Learn more about the miracle of Notre-Dame:

The rose windows of Notre-Dame touched people’s hearts and sent their thoughts on a journey. 

watch the movie and find your own mind-blowing rose window for your home.


the art of living


darwin and kant

two colors

The starting point is two primary colors that reflect the constant inner conflict between our actual actions and our intellect, our rationality and behavior.

joy of living

The bold colors reflect the joy of living and show that the inner conflict can be a playful art of life.


The wild and unpredictable color gradients merge in the brain, reminding us that through our consciousness, we have the power to reconcile Darwin and Kant within ourselves.

joy of living

The starting point is two primary colors that reflect the constant inner conflict between our actual actions and our intellect, our rationality and behavior. The bold colors reflect the joy of living and show that the inner conflict can be a playful art of life. The wild and unpredictable color gradients merge in the brain, reminding us that through our consciousness, we have the power to reconcile Darwin and Kant within ourselves.


the art of living


darwin and kant

two colors

The starting point is two primary colors that reflect the constant inner conflict between our actual actions and our intellect, our rationality and behavior.


The wild and unpredictable color gradients merge in the brain, reminding us that through our consciousness, we have the power to reconcile Darwin and Kant within ourselves.

balance between mind wandering and NOW!

Zoning out during long days and starting to daydream is an important part of being human.There are several reasons why mind-wandering, or consciously thinking about various things without focusing on a specific task or goal, is considered good for the brain:

  • Creativity: Mind-wandering can help promote creativity by allowing the brain to come up with new ideas and connections between different concepts.
  • Stress reduction: By taking time to think about various things, mind-wandering can help reduce stress and put the brain in a relaxed state.
  • Memory: Mind-wandering can help improve memory by allowing the brain to organize and process memories.
  • Self-reflection: Through mind-wandering, one can take time to reflect on themselves and their experiences, which can help boost self-confidence and improve well-being.

Overall, mind-wandering can help stimulate the brain and promote it in various ways.

waves, veins and cells

The abstract art pieces often trigger creative mind wandering. Each work is unique. Colored veins run through the brain and merge into swirls and waves. Others show colored cells, a symbol of cooperation. The pictures are both an anchor and a starting point. They take our thoughts away and into the present moment at the same time. This creates more creativity and vibrancy in our real lives.